How come financial aid is only for the really poor people in the United States? FAFSA only gives financial aid to low-income families.
Just because a family's income tax return says they made ,000 or more does not mean they have no other bills and can afford ,000 to ,000 towards their child's college tuition.
Cable Porter
Everyone should be eligible for financial aid. FAFSA should be asking for a complete list of expenses of the family and comparing it to their actual income and assets and if there is no money left and they are just getting by, financial aid should be awarded to them.
I have found that you can have other children in private or catholic schools and paying their tuition and it is not taken into consideration when applying for college financing. How unfair is that to the people of the United States.
Why should a child have to take out loans for each year of college cause the government thinks their parents make enough money to contribute and pay for their tuition? Nothing is taken into consideration, other children at home, other tuition they are paying, their current monthly expenses, etc. How is that???? Hard working parents cannot get any free money for college tuition.
Then you have the non working parents, who have chosen not to work, not to go out and look for a job, on welfare and food stamps and their child can go to a university that costs ,000 a year and not pay a dime.
This is American the beautiful and equal opportunity for all???? Don't think so.
Try and get financial aid with both parents working. Not going to happen. Try and get financial aid with money in the bank and a house worth more than your mortgage owed, not going to happen.
It is us hard working Americans that get nothing for free in today's society. It is very sad and very disheartening.
There needs to be a change in how each child is looked at on a financial aid application. There should be money for everyone. Should not be just for the poor.
Parents needs to speak up, write to their congressman, write to the White House, something must be done with the college financial aid guidelines and programs that are offered. There is money out their for everyone to go to college, the government just needs to give a little to everyone and not all of it to a certain kind of people.